My oldest is down for the count with the sniffles, so we’re settled in for a marathon on the Roku (we are cable free so we are limited to Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, and DVDs). Typically she is limited to one non-educational type show or movie a day but that goes out the window when she’s sick. Thankfully she’s on a Super Why kick, which is one of the more tolerable shows out there, along with the occasional Sesame Street, Arthur, and Rugrats.

The only big problem with watching things on Netflix is that is a veritable minefield  of suck that can explode into a toddler meltdown if you don’t move fast enough through the menus. We’ll be all geared up for a Super Why and then she’ll see the little icon for Yo Gabba Gabba and start occasionally start demanding we watch that instead. I’ve made the mistake of letting her watch it a couple of times since I had heard about it but never had actually seen it and the darn show is toddler crack. For those that have not seen this show, Yo Gabba Gabba loosely translates into “show that makes you want to drop kick a puppet”. DJ Lance gives me the creeps with his big poofy orange hat and I swear that Muno looks like he has some sort of weird puppet venereal disease (please tell me I’m not the only one that thinks he looks naughty).

Poor Muno obviously is suffering from a case of genital warts

I have no idea what this one's name is, but I've dubbed him "milk poop"

Also, if you hear the theme song enough you realize that if you add “That’s what she said” to pretty much the whole song, there is nothing about it that CAN’T be construed at dirty…then again I do have the sense of humor of a 14 year old boy most days. The whole show looks like it was developed by someone who smoked way too much pot in college and even the dancing toddlers look a little out of it. I think the only way this show would be tolerable would be if scotch was involved…a lot of scotch.

Don’t get me wrong, some people love this show…then again some people loved Barney when that fuzzy bastard was unleashed upon the world (for the record two things that are forbidden to ever be in my house are Barney and Bratz dolls).

No...just no

Awe, teeny tiny hookers


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